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Affiliate Programme

What is an affiliate?


Simply put, affiliate programs, also called associate programs, are arrangements in which an online merchant Web site pays affiliate Web sites or referrers a commission to send them traffic. These affiliate Web sites can post links to the merchant site, or provide trackable discount codes and are paid according to a particular agreement.


The agreement is usually based on the number of people the affiliate sends to the merchant's site, or the number of people they send who buy something or perform some other action. Some arrangements pay according to the number of people who visit the page containing their merchant site's banner advertisement. Basically, if a link on an affiliate site brings the merchant site traffic or money, the merchant site pays the affiliate site or referrer according to their agreement.


Recruiting affiliates is an excellent way to sell products online, and it can also be a cheap and effective marketing strategy; it's a good way to get the word out about your site.


There are at least three parties in an affiliate program transaction:

  1. The customer

  2. The affiliate website or referrer

  3. The merchant site (us)

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Why become an affiliate?

We give you 10% commission from any clients you send over to us that go on to become successful customers. With some of our instantly available services costing up to £5,000 that's a potential earning of £500!​


  • A unique discount code to track your referrals, we'll even honour any custom projects you send our way!

  • 10% commission on all of your referrals that go on to make a successful purchase with us using your code.

  • 20% Discount for yourself across our website! (using your unique discount code will save you 10% and of course you'll receive your 10% commission back!)

  • We pay your commission as soon as our clients services are completed, this may be up to a month when working on big projects such as websites, or after a few days for smaller projects.



  • You must act professionally at all times as if you are an employee of Upstir.

  • You must only direct your connections to our website to complete their purchase.

  • You may only use our logo's etc to refer clients to our official website domain or subdomains ( etc).

  • You'll need to have a PayPal account to access your commission.

  • Open to residents of all countries except Russia.

  • Apply using our provided application form.


Additional terms apply, see our terms of service.

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Why become an affiliate?

Affiliate Application


Thanks!​ We'll email you with your unique discount code shortly if approved.

application form
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