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Upstir Delivery Policy

Last Update: October 2021


Timely Delivery is important to


Digital Delivery of services

The majority of services on our website will be delivered digitally by action online or by email, for services that have deign samples please see 'delivery of physical service elements' below.


Delivery of physical service elements

Where our services feature physical elements such as packaging samples we will dispatch these using a tracked courier service, we will usually email you proofs of any design before we create physical samples.


Delivery charges

We do not add delivery costs to your order, our discounted postage fees are incorporated into the upfront price of our services which require physical delivery.


What do you mean by digital delivery?

The majority of our services are delivered digitally, this is why we require your account details or username to perform the service online.  We will usually screenshot a before and after to prove that we have delivered your service. By purchasing any of our digital services you are authorising us to do this.


Damaged items on delivery

We always package our items securely, however they may occasionally get distorted or damaged during delivery. We ask that you report any delivery damages to us within 48 hours of delivery to .


How do we update this delivery policy?

We keep our delivery policy under regular review and we will place any updates on our webpage. This delivery policy was last updated on the date given above.


Who can you contact if you have queries about this delivery policy?

Please contact us if you have any questions about our delivery policy by email:



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