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  • How do I work with your marketing agency?
    It's easy, you can either directly purchase a service off our website, or get in touch by using the contact us button below.
  • How do I purchase a service?
    Simply click 'our services' on the menu above, this will show our generic packages together with circular link icons to go to services for specific businesses. You can also hover over 'our services' to reveal a full list of specific businesses, or there is a 'full catalogue' option.
  • I'm an instagram influencer, what can you help with?"
    We offer a variety of instagram services for businesses/people just like you; - Increase followers - Increase visibility tutorial - Paid partnerships - Advertising campaign listings - Profile enhancement and more!
  • Can you build me a website?
    Definitely! We work with many different web design companies to provide quick turnarounds for new business, advertising campaign and portfolio websites. We can assist in the setting up and linking of financial software, subscription management and dropshipping suppliers etc.
  • Do you create logo's?
    We sure do! You can receive a free logo design, we'll only request that you pay our lifetime usage right fee of £49.99 if you are completely happy with the design. Every free logo will come with a watermarked .pdf stylesheet detailing the font, colour hex codes, and any other styles used within your logo - after purchase of usage rights you will receive a non-watermarked version. You can use this stylesheet when creating a brand image within marketing and when designing a website.
  • Do you have advertising jobs for social media celebrities/influencers?
    We're more than happy to work with anyone on social media, we obviously will need to perform some background checks, but you should definitely get in touch!
  • I've locked myself out of the website you built me, can you help?"
    Sure, you should live chat/email your site provider first to see if you can resolve this directly with them, if you can't then get in touch and we'll use our contacts to help you get back on your feet.
  • I didn't pay my invoice with my website provider and now my site is locked, can you reactivate it?"
    Unfortunately you will need to settle any outstanding invoices directly with the site provider to reinstate it. You should always pay your invoices in a timely manner to prevent this from happenning, if your site spends too long suspended due to non-payment then some providers will actually delete you website and you will not be able to recover it. We reccommend that if you are experiencing a temporary financial setback you should inform your site provider, they may be able to priovide temporary assistance such as extended free-trials etc.
  • Do your prices include VAT?
    Yes all of our prices are inclusive of VAT. You will see this shown in the invoice at purchase stage. Businesses are required to pay VAT on their purchase and then reclaim back from HMRC.
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