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Upstir Subscription Policy

Last Update: October 2021


Clarity is important to


What is the subscription policy? offer subscription products for ongoing services such as but not limited to; our Tripadvisor business account management. The subscription policy is required to show terms for these subscription products.  All of our subscription billing is administrated by Upstir Ltd, an Annetton Group company (“we” or “us”). We are responsible for the collection and proper management of any personal information you submit. We will keep your personal details secure and use the information you provide consistently with applicable privacy and data protection laws and the terms of our Privacy Policy.


The basics

  • When you subscribe to an service product you will authorise upstir ltd to collect repeat payments for that particular service and the amount advertised up-front.

  • If a subscription product changes price and we need to charge you more, you will be notified of the increase at least 14 days prior to your next renewal.

  • Our subscription services are open-ended and will rebill each month on the purchase date until the purchaser manages their subscription by logging into their account and choosing to cancel the subscription. This can be done at any time after your first subscription payment.

  • Where we are unable to fulfil your requested service, if for example you change your email or password to the business account without informing us, we will try to contact you upto 3 times before we cancel your subscription product. We will not refund that months payment in those circumstances, but we will stop any further subscription renewals.

  • Methods of subscription payment.

    • Direct Debit​

    • Continuous charging authority (CCA) of Credit/Debit Card

    • BACS

  • A tax invoice will be issued after each successful charge and renewal is performed.​


Subscription cancellation and notice required

There are a number of ways in which you can cancel your subscription, you must cancel before the stated notice period to prevent your next subscription renewal occurring;​

  • the easiest way to cancel your subscription is to simply sign in to your upstir account and directly cancel the subscription there (24 hours notice required),

  • click link in any renewal email to directly manage your subscription (48 hours notice required),

  • email us at with your request to cancel your subscription, please detail which product you choose to cancel (48 hours notice required),

  • use our contact form, please make sure you detail which product to cancel (48 hours required).


Who will process the transaction?

The majority of our subscription payments are billed with Credit/Debit Card Continuous charging authority (CCA) by Wix Payments, if you are using direct debit or standing order, these transactions may be processed by GoCardless or Tide Banking.


Refunds of subscriptions

We will not refund any subscription payments which have been taken and had service fulfilled. In the event a subscription is cancelled but still charged, of course we will be happy to refund this as long as cancellation is received before the advertised notice period for each contact method (see cancellation and notice periods above).


How can you access and update your subscription?

You can amend or cancel your subscription by logging in to your upstir account. You can also email us at  to cancel your subscription.


How do we update this subscription policy?

We keep our subscription policy under regular review and we will place any updates on our webpage. This subscription policy was last updated on the date given above.


Who can you contact if you have queries about this subscription policy?

Please contact us if you have any questions about our subscription policy by email:



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